
Does a sweet tooth affect sugar intake?

It has long been known taste plays an important role in many of our food choices, but what if we knew whether having a so-called "sweet tooth" did indeed lead to a sugar habit?


Children's ability to detect sugar varies widely

Everyone knows that children love sweets, but ever wonder why some kids seem to want more sugary food than others? It could be because they need more sugar to get that same sweet taste. According to new research from the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research shows noisy environments influence taste perception

Airline passengers who eat meals vary in their ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter and salty flavors. In studying how airplane noise affects the palate, Cornell food scientists have found sweetness suppressed and a tasty, ...


Spatial patterns of brain activity decode what people taste

A team of researchers from the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Potsdam and the Charité University Hospital in Berlin have revealed how taste is encoded in patterns of neural activity in the human brain. Kathrin Ohla, ...

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