
Do sweet tastes reduce appetite?

The sweet taste of sugar is very popular worldwide. In Austria and Germany, the yearly intake per person adds up to about 33 and 34 kilograms, respectively. Thus, sugar plays an increasing role in the nutrition and health ...


Muddy beetroot and other super surprising facts about your food

Spending a lot more time in your house doesn't have to make you any less curious about the world around you. Just look inside your kitchen cupboards and there's a wealth of chemistry just bursting to get out. Here are some ...

Medical research

Smelling with your tongue

Scientists from the Monell Center report that functional olfactory receptors, the sensors that detect odors in the nose, are also present in human taste cells found on the tongue. The findings suggest that interactions between ...


How our sense of taste changes as we age

Taste is a complex phenomenon. We do not experience the sensation through a single sense (as we would when we see something using our sense of sight, for example) but rather it is made up of the five senses working together ...


Beer's bitter delight is tasted in the gut

Hoppy beers are famous as a driver of craft brewing. But the challenging taste of hops goes far beyond the palate. According to a new study from Scripps Research scientists, the bitter flavor literally reaches into your gut.

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