
So close, rats can almost taste it

A subset of neurons in the hippocampus respond to both place and taste, according to research in male rats published in JNeurosci. The study shows how animals may remember and find their way back to locations where they previously ...


Spatial patterns of brain activity decode what people taste

A team of researchers from the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Potsdam and the Charité University Hospital in Berlin have revealed how taste is encoded in patterns of neural activity in the human brain. Kathrin Ohla, ...

Medical research

Psychology professor examines the taste system

What we view as the sense of taste is actually a combination of smell, taste and texture, with smell playing a major role. A single taste bud can have dozens of receptor cells that send signals of sour, sweet, salty and bitter ...


Foods that will make you feel full faster

(HealthDay)—When you get the urge for a snack, you might not think that a slice of turkey can have the same lip-smacking effect as a handful of chips. But scientists have known for some time that protein is the most efficient ...

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