
Beer's bitter delight is tasted in the gut

Hoppy beers are famous as a driver of craft brewing. But the challenging taste of hops goes far beyond the palate. According to a new study from Scripps Research scientists, the bitter flavor literally reaches into your gut.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientist explores the nexus between appetite and psychology

Rachel Herz, an adjunct assistant professor in Brown's Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, arrives at an East Greenwich, Rhode Island, café feeling stressed. She'd lost a document when her computer crashed and she ...

Overweight & Obesity

How obesity dulls the sense of taste

Previous studies have indicated that weight gain can reduce one's sensitivity to the taste of food, and that this effect can be reversed when the weight is lost again, but it's been unclear as to how this phenomenon arises. ...


Toilet-to-tap: Gross to think about, but how does it taste?

Here's a blind test taste like Pepsi never imagined. Researchers at the University of California, Riverside, recently published a study of recycled wastewater that did not focus on its safety-which has long been established-but ...

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