
Sex on TV has less impact on teens than you might think

Few people would doubt that sex is ubiquitous in media – whether movies, television, music or books – and that teens today have unprecedented access to all of it. It's often taken for granted that this easy access to ...


Not doing it: Fewer high school kids are having sex

The troubles with kids these days ... are not as common as they used to be. U.S. teens are having a lot less sex, they are drinking and using drugs less often, and they aren't smoking as much, according a government survey ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Parents' yelling takes heavy toll on teens

Parents' yelling is a turnoff for teens, but don't mistake their emotional shutdown as a sign of ennui. It may be a sign of aggression.


State laws dampen texting by teen drivers but rates still high

State laws banning texting while driving led to significant reductions in the number of teens using their cell phones while behind the wheel, but nearly one-third still admitted to engaging in this risky behavior, according ...


Many pregnant teens use alcohol and drugs, study finds

New research from The University of Texas at Austin suggests that many teenagers, especially younger teens, may not be getting the message about the risks of using alcohol and other drugs during pregnancy—but that having ...

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