Psychology & Psychiatry

The perils of perfectionism

WA researchers aim to help teen girls feel better in their bodies with an online program targeting perfectionism, which has been linked to depression, anxiety and eating disorders.


Parents underestimate teens' social media use during pandemic

Parents' and adolescents' estimates of adolescent screen use during the first year of the pandemic differed significantly, according to a new study published in Academic Pediatrics. While parents estimated their children ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young sexual abuse victims may be at more risk online

Teenage girls' internet activity—together with offline risk factors—can increase their risk of online victimization, and this is more likely for those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse, suggests a study published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teen girls suicide attempts up dramatically in pandemic: study

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Friday that emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts by teenage girls rose significantly last year compared to 2019, highlighting the mental health ...

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