Medical research

Portable device can be used to diagnose eye disease remotely

A portable device connected to a smartphone makes precise images of the retina to detect back-of-the-eye (fundus) disease at a far lower cost than conventional methods. Created by Phelcom Technologies, a startup based at ...


Telemedicine and data science can improve patient care

The care of patients with chronic diseases could be improved by regular telemonitoring. This is the finding of a recent study conducted by Daniela Haluza, a health expert at MedUni Vienna's Center for Public Health. Austrian ...


Ultrawide field retinal imaging improves telehealth evaluation

(HealthDay)—Implementation of non-mydriatic ultrawide field retinal imaging (UWFI) in a telemedicine program significantly reduces the ungradable rate in evaluation of patients for diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic ...

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