
Common back ailment could be sign of heart failure

Columbia researchers have found a link between a common back ailment and a type of heart failure, suggesting that screening patients with lumbar spinal stenosis could identify those at risk of the heart disease and prevent ...

Biomedical technology

Researchers discover way to switch on and speed up tendon healing

Researchers at CÚRAM, the SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices based at NUI Galway, have shown how the simple act of walking can power an implantable stimulator device to speed up treatment of musculoskeletal diseases.


Stem cell innovation regrows rotator cuffs

Every time you throw a ball, swing a golf club, reach for a jar on a shelf, or cradle a baby, you can thank your rotator cuff. This nest of tendons connecting your arm bone to your shoulder socket is a functional marvel, ...


Repairing tendons with silk proteins

Just mentioning a ruptured Achilles tendon would make anyone wince. Tendon injuries are well known for their lengthy, difficult and often incomplete healing processes. Sudden or repetitive motion, experienced by athletes ...

Medical research

Tendon stem cells could revolutionize injury recovery

The buildup of scar tissue makes recovery from torn rotator cuffs, jumper's knee, and other tendon injuries a painful, challenging process, often leading to secondary tendon ruptures. New research led by Carnegie's Chen-Ming ...

Medical research

Using a robotic shoulder to grow tendon tissue

A team of researchers from the University of Oxford and Devanthro GmbH has modified a robot shoulder to serve as a stretching mechanism in an effort to grow useful human tendon tissue. In their paper published in the journal ...

Inflammatory disorders

Could aspirin shoulder the burden of inflammation?

Aspirin could be used as an anti-inflammatory drug, bringing relief to the thousands who suffer with shoulder pain, Oxford University researchers have found.

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