
FDA eases paperwork to help some patients get experimental drugs

The Food and Drug Administration removed an obstacle from of its "compassionate use" policy this month, eliminating some paperwork that physicians must do to obtain experimental drugs for some patients with immediately life-threatening ...


California enacts right-to-die law

(HealthDay)—California on Thursday becomes the fifth and largest state in the country to allow terminally ill patients to end their own lives.


Is California ready for physician-aided suicide?

As California nears implementation of a new law that will let terminally ill patients end their lives by taking a physician-prescribed lethal dose of medication, a new policy brief from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research ...


Support is growing for laws that permit physician aid-in-dying

The United States may be on the cusp of changing its collective policy mind on the issue of physician aid-in-dying. Bans remain in 38 states, but in a new Viewpoint essay in the Journal of the American Medical Association, ...


Researchers advocate improvements in end-of-life care

Three Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers, writing in a special issue of JAMA published today, make the case for policies and practices that give terminally ill patients more control over how and where they will die.


Quebec's top court rules assisted dying law can proceed

Quebec's Court of Appeal ruled Tuesday that the right of terminally ill patients in the province to choose to die with medical help should stand. The law, passed late last year, was the first of its kind in Canada.

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