Psychology & Psychiatry

New research reveals the secret to making a good first impression

How long do you have to make a good first impression? About half a second, new research has revealed. Scientists have discovered that humans make judgements on someone's trustworthiness within the first 500 milliseconds of ...

Medical research

How tastes are linked with facial expressions

Researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology identify links between the palatability of various tastes and circulation in different parts of the face.

Autism spectrum disorders

New test facilitates diagnosis of autism in adults

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed a new screening tool to facilitate the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in adults. The test is presented in the scientific journal Molecular Autism and is ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brighter light yields greater alertness

Do you sometimes feel tired when you're working in the office during the day? If so, some extra light could help. Research at TU/e shows that people immediately have more energy and feel alerter if there's more light. The ...


Moderate exercising encourages a healthier lifestyle

The obesity epidemic has massive socio-economic consequences, and decades of health campaigns have not made significant headway. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen are therefore pursuing the development of new, interdisciplinary ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologist discovers intricacies about lying

What happens when you tell a lie? Set aside your ethical concerns for a moment—after all, lying is a habit we practice with astonishing dexterity and frequency, whether we realize it or not. What goes on in your brain when ...

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