Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New compounds thwart multiple viruses, including coronavirus

According to a February 13 report from the World Health Organization, the Wuhan coronavirus has stricken more than 46,000 people and has caused over 1,300 deaths since the first cases in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Now, ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Blood test for chlamydia may predict pregnancy outcomes

A blood test that detects antibodies to the sexually transmitted bacteriumChlamydia trachomatismay be helpful in screening infertile women for pregnancy outcomes, according to a new study.

Medical research

Experts warn red wine could mask testosterone levels

(Medical Xpress)—Red wine could give athletes and players a boost in the sports arena by increasing the amount of performance-enhancing hormone testosterone in their bodies, according to researchers from London's Kingston ...

Oncology & Cancer

Stimulating the immune system to fight cancer

Cancer cells have evolved mechanisms to escape the body's immune defense. Agents that prevent immune escape are attractive targets for the development of new cancer therapies. Scientists led by Prof. Herbert Waldmann and ...

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