Biomedical technology

Do at-home COVID-19 tests expire?

Perhaps you stocked up when at-home COVID-19 test kits were hard to come by, before the U.S. federal government started a program to mail some to each household. Or maybe you found a bunch of test kits for a good price at ...


23andMe returns with FDA-approved genetic health tests

Genetic testing company 23andMe is reintroducing some health screening tools that federal regulators forced off the market more than two years ago, due to concerns about their accuracy and interpretation by customers.


FDA panel backs first rapid, take home HIV test

(AP) -- A panel of HIV specialists is recommending that U.S. regulators approve the first over-the-counter HIV test designed to quickly return a result in the privacy of a person's own home, a new option which could expand ...

Oncology & Cancer

Patients prefer stool test to colonoscopy

Three-quarters of people prefer to do a fecal immunochemical test (FIT) rather than a colonoscopy for their regular colorectal cancer screening, according to a new Cedars-Sinai study.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Virus testing shortages and delays help fuel surge

The difficulty finding coronavirus test kits in many parts of California and delays in getting results are causing increasing frustration and contributing to the surge of infections that in just two weeks more than doubled ...


Self-testing: A potentially powerful tool for fighting HIV

In recent years, more emphasis has been placed on testing for HIV. The idea behind this drive is that if people know their status, they'll be able to seek treatment and support. One approach that's become fairly common is ...

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