
Convincing Chinese smokers to kick the habit—by text

Among smokers receiving a 12-week-long mobile phone-based intervention encouraging them to quit, up to 6.5% of participants stopped smoking by the end of the study, according to a research article published this week in the ...


Text reminders boost vaccine appointments

Coronavirus infections among vaccinated people are on the decline but for the unvaccinated, cases continue to increase. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of California, Los Angeles found text-based ...


Teen-led study highlights dangers of texting and driving

Some people have questioned whether a ban on texting while driving will actually lead to more crashes because drivers will conceal their cell phones, making it more dangerous to read and type messages. Research led by high ...


Mobile phones help bolster Uganda's fight against HIV

Stella Nayiga clutches her mobile phone as she describes the messages that she received punctually every morning and evening for over a year, reminding her to take her antiretroviral (ARV) drugs regularly.


Study finds texting program good option for teen girls' health

Megan Ranney, M.D., M.P.H., an emergency medicine attending physician at Hasbro Children's Hospital, recently led a study that found a text-message program may be an effective violence prevention tool for at-risk teen girls. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Too much texting can disconnect couples

Couples shouldn't let their thumbs do the talking when it comes to serious conversations, disagreements or apologies.

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