
Mobile phones monitor vaccine response

WA researchers used mobile phone text messages to implement a real-time safety monitoring program for pregnant women immunised with trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV).


Getting the health message via text

A text message providing support on just how hard it is to ditch junk food has resonated with participants in a WA study examining Generation Y's love affair with smart phones to promote a healthy lifestyle.


Gadget givers urged to consider ramifications

(HealthDay)—Gifts of electronic gadgets, like smartphones and laptops, no doubt bring glee to the teens who receive them. But people thinking of gifting such devices to a kid might want to consider the broader ramifications.


Unique risks associated with texting medical orders

(HealthDay)—Despite the popularity, convenience, and speed of texting medical orders, there are unique and alarming risks associated with the practice, according to a report published in Drug Topics.

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