Medical economics

Text messaging shows promise in reaching unvaccinated patients

Automated text messaging was as effective as direct phone calls in getting unvaccinated patients to seek out a COVID-19 shot, according to a new study from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania ...


Text message support for smokers doubles quit rates

Mobile phones could hold the key to people giving up smoking after a programme involving sending motivational and supportive text messages to smokers doubled quit rates at six months.

Radiology & Imaging

AI diagnoses lung disease based on X-rays

Skoltech researchers have trained a neural network to search for lung pathologies on X-ray images and come up with brief verbal descriptions to accompany them. This task is currently performed by physicians, and it takes ...

Overweight & Obesity

Smartphone app helps fight obesity, study says

Using a simple smartphone application to photograph one's meals is a useful slimming aid for the overweight, according to an experiment reported on Sunday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Phone calls back evolutionary theories of gender

Women speak to their male partners less often as they grow older and turn their attention to a younger generation, according to an unusual study Thursday that tracked nearly two billion phone calls and text messages.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychiatry: Case notes indicate impending seclusion

Using notes made by the attending healthcare professionals about psychiatric patients enables impending coercive measures to be predicted in advance—potentially even through automated text analysis. This was reported by ...

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