Oncology & Cancer

Cancer hijack

Genetically unstable breast cancer cells appear to hijack a mechanism used by healthy stem cells to determine how they should develop into different tissues, according to new research.

Oncology & Cancer

Self-perpetuating signals may drive tumor cells to spread

A team of international researchers from Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (USA) has identified a self-perpetuating signaling circuit inside connective tissue cells ...

Oncology & Cancer

Clinical trials for cancer, one patient at a time

Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers are developing a new approach to cancer clinical trials, in which therapies are designed and tested one patient at a time. The patient's tumor is "reverse engineered" ...

Oncology & Cancer

Herding cancer cells to their death

An advanced tumor is a complex ecosystem. Though derived from a single cell, it evolves as it grows until it contains several subspecies of cells that vary dramatically in their genetic traits and behaviors. This cellular ...

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