Oncology & Cancer

Stem cells central to pathogenesis of mature lymphoid tumors

New research suggests that blood stem cells can be involved in the generation of leukemia, even when the leukemia is caused by the abnormal proliferation of mature cells. The study, published by Cell Press in the August 16th ...

Oncology & Cancer

New therapeutic target to combat liver cancer discovered

Spanish researchers at CIC Biogune, the Cooperative Centre for Research into Biosciences and led by Dr. Maria Luz Martinez Chantar, have found a strong relationship between high levels of Hu antigen R (HuR) protein and the ...


Further link identified between autoimmunity and schizophrenia

Links have been reported between schizophrenia and proteins produced by the immune system that can act against one's own body, known as autoantibodies. In a study published in Brain Behavior and Immunity, Japanese researchers ...

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