
Q&A: Additional opinions helpful in treating back pain

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am in my late 50s and have an active lifestyle. I have had two prior surgeries for a herniated lumbar disk. Recently, I began to have leg pain, which occurred previously, so I believe I must have another ...

Oncology & Cancer

Desmoplastic melanoma responds to PD-1 blockade immunotherapy

Tumors from desmoplastic melanoma, a rare cancer most commonly found on the head or neck, can often be shrunk significantly before surgery by an immunotherapy known as PD-1 blockade, a result that may reduce the need for ...


Medication doesn't help kids with ADHD learn, study finds

For decades, most physicians, parents and teachers have believed that stimulant medications help children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) learn. However, in the first study of its kind, researchers at ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Treating knee osteoarthritis without surgery

Dr. Prakash Jayabalan has long pondered why more non-operative treatment options aren't available to patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA), particularly because it is the most common cause of disability in the U.S.

Overweight & Obesity

Weight loss and lifestyle program cuts severity of sleep apnea

An interdisciplinary weight loss and lifestyle intervention is associated with clinically meaningful and sustainable improvements in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity and health-related quality of life, according to ...

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