
Social media is mixed blessing in epidemics: WHO

Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites boost public awareness of disease outbreaks but also make it more difficult to separate fact from fiction, world health officials said Thursday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

World prone to food-borne disease outbreaks: WHO

The world has become more vulnerable to outbreaks of disease caused by contaminated food because of growing global trade, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Thursday.


California bans under-age tanning, public guns

California governor Jerry Brown won praise Monday for banning under 18s from using tanning beds, the first US state to do so to protect minors from increased skin cancer risks.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Rise of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea needs urgent action

Gonorrhea is evolving into a scourge resistant to most antibiotics, and urgent action is needed to combat this public health threat, states an editorial in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).


Shanghai families say kids poisoned by lead

(AP) -- Families living in one of Shanghai's many industrial suburbs say their children are suffering from lead poisoning from nearby factories and recycling facilities.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

British chronic fatigue scientists get 'death threats'

British researchers looking at the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome have received death threats from protesters angry at their focus on possible mental triggers, a report said Friday.


Heart disease, No. 1 killer, can sneak up on women

Heart disease can sneak up on women in ways that standard cardiac tests can miss. It's part of a puzzling gender gap: Women tend to have different heart attack symptoms than men. They're more likely to die in the year after ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Childhood trauma linked to higher rates of mental health problems

New research has shown that children's risk for learning and behavior problems and obesity rises in correlation to their level of trauma exposure, says the psychiatrist at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile ...

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