
Is your thumb pain de Quervain's tenosynovitis?

De Quervain's tenosynovitis (pronounced da-KWUHR-vanes teena-sine-ah-VITE-us) is a complicated name for a condition that's been referred to as "mother's thumb," "mommy wrist" and "gamer's thumb"—all associated with repetitive ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What triggers trigger finger?

Your hands are mechanical marvels, with pulleys—in the form of tendons—flexing and extending to open and close your fist, and straighten and bend your fingers. Each tendon is wrapped in a sheath that holds it in place.


A workout to protect your thumbs

The range of motion of the human thumb makes so many everyday hand movements possible. Whether you're an athlete gripping sports equipment, a baker whisking egg whites or a do-it-yourselfer hammering a nail, you'd be at a ...


For US pot companies, Canada is the land of opportunity

Green Thumb Industries had a business plan, expertise and plenty of ambition to grow its marijuana business. What the Chicago-based company didn't have was access to enough capital to make it all happen.


3Qs: Two thumbs down

Mobile-​​phone users who send dozens—or even hun­dreds—of text mes­sages per day may have begun to notice pain, tin­gling or numb­ness in their thumbs from exces­sive button pushing. Northeastern University news ...


Use a rule of thumb to control how much you drink

Sticking to a general rule of pouring just a half glass of wine limits the likelihood of overconsumption, even for men with a higher body mass index. That's the finding of a new Iowa State and Cornell University study to ...


Breaking detrimental oral habits in young kids

It's very common for babies and young children to have what dentists call "non-nutritive sucking" behaviors in which they regularly suck on a pacifier, thumb, finger(s) or other objects.

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