Oncology & Cancer

21st century medical needles for high-tech cancer diagnostics

The diagnosis of diseases like cancer almost always needs a biopsy—a procedure where a clinician removes a piece of suspect tissue from the body to examine it, typically under a microscope. Many areas of diagnostic medicine, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

New method may help detect marker for Alzheimer's disease earlier

Use of a new drug to detect the beta-amyloid plaques in the brain that are hallmark signs of Alzheimer's disease may help doctors diagnose the disease earlier, according to research that will be presented as part of the Emerging ...

Oncology & Cancer

3-D mammograms offer clearer view of breast cancer

Bringing life-like detail to a hospital near you: the 3-D mammogram, which doctors say is detecting breast cancer earlier and more accurately than traditional tests.

Oncology & Cancer

Physicians evaluate new device to test for cervical cancer

When a woman has an abnormal pap smear she usually undergoes colposcopy, the procedure physicians use to closely examine the cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease. Typically a metal instrument is used to obtain a ...

Oncology & Cancer

Simple MRI measurement could avoid 30% of breast cancer biopsies

Breast cancer is the most common fatal cancer in women. Early detection increases a woman's chances of recovery. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an accurate technique for detecting and classifying tumors in breast tissue. ...

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