Psychology & Psychiatry

Unexpected link found between 2 schizophrenia risk proteins

The discovery of a physical interaction between two proteins in brain cells that can be traced in mice to control of movement, anxiety and memory could one day open the door to development of new schizophrenia treatment strategies, ...

Medical research

Identifying molecular culprits underlying organ rejection

Investigators have identified how the immune system can regulate organ rejection in mice, findings which may prove useful for improving transplant tolerance in humans, according to a recent study published in the Journal ...

Oncology & Cancer

Better cancer diagnosis thanks to digital 3D images

It all started with an innocuous question at the start of Francesca Catto's doctoral thesis: Wouldn't it be nice if tissue samples could be colored and digitally displayed as a 3D image? For more than 100 years, histology, ...

Medical research

How your blood vessels tolerate high blood pressure

A research group at Lund University has studied how a molecular sensor located in the blood vessel wall, controls how the vessel compensates for high blood pressure. As we age, the sensor deteriorates, which can worsen vascular ...

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