Medical research

Scientists prove feasibility of 'printing' replacement tissue

Using a sophisticated, custom-designed 3D printer, regenerative medicine scientists at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center have proved that it is feasible to print living tissue structures to replace injured or diseased tissue ...

Medical research

A minimally invasive tool to measure muscle impairment

A minimally invasive, fiber-optic technique that accurately measures the passive stretch and twitch contraction of living muscle tissue could someday be an alternative to the painful muscle biopsies used to diagnose and treat ...


Biological tooth replacement—a step closer

Scientists have developed a new method of replacing missing teeth with a bioengineered material generated from a person's own gum cells. Current implant-based methods of whole tooth replacement fail to reproduce a natural ...


Structural dynamics underlying memory in aging brains

(Medical Xpress)—When the brains of those who have succumbed to age-related neurodegeneration are analyzed post-mortem, they typically show significant atrophy on all scales. Not only is the cortex thinner and sparser, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Four-stranded DNA structures found to play role in breast cancer

Four stranded DNA structures—known as G-quadruplexes—have been shown to play a role in certain types of breast cancer for the first time, providing a potential new target for personalised medicine, say scientists at the ...

Medical research

New tissue engineering breakthrough encourages nerve repair

A new combination of tissue engineering techniques could reduce the need for nerve grafts, according to new research by The Open University. Regeneration of nerves is challenging when the damaged area is extensive, and surgeons ...

Medical research

Infusion of 3D cellular structures might repair damaged intestine

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation and ulcers (sores) in the digestive tract. Ulcerative colitis affects the innermost lining of the colon and rectum. It can be a debilitating ...

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