
Don't make your own sunscreen, physician advises

Concerns about chemicals have led do-it-yourselfers (DIY) to make everything from laundry detergent and soap to deodorant and toothpaste at home using natural ingredients.


Caring for a new baby's skin, hair and nails

(HealthDay)—Caring for a baby's delicate skin, hair and nails can be intimidating, but five simple steps can make it easier, according to an expert from the American Academy of Dermatology.


Study suggests French ban on food additive may be premature

Michigan State University and University of Nebraska Medical Center researchers are refuting an earlier French government-funded study that claims titanium dioxide, a common food additive used worldwide, causes digestive ...

Medical research

Kiss chapped lips goodbye this winter

Dry and chapped lips are common during the winter, but there are a number of things you can do to protect them, an expert says.

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