
Mindfulness meditation IBMT trims craving for tobacco

Addiction to smoking and other substances involves a particular set of brain areas related to self-control, according to numerous research. For a new study, researchers wondered if a training approach designed to influence ...


The hidden chemicals in hookah tobacco smoke

Thanks to its sweet smell and taste, hookah has gained popularity in recent years, especially among teens and young adults. Hookah users inhale smoke, which is generated by heating hookah tobacco that is fermented with molasses ...


Chest physicians split on pros and cons of e-cigarettes

Patients are asking their chest physicians about using e-cigarettes to quit smoking, but those physicians are divided about whether the products do more harm than good, according to a Yale-led study. The finding demonstrates ...


Living with a smoker may raise blood pressure in boys

Exposure to secondhand smoke, even at extremely low levels, is associated with increased blood pressure in boys, according to new research being presented Sunday, May 1, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting ...

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