
Powdered alcohol approved by US regulators

(HealthDay)—U.S. regulators have approved a controversial powdered alcohol product called Palcohol, which is meant to be mixed into drinks.


Smokers drop pricey cigarettes for cheaper alternatives: CDC

(HealthDay) -- With cigarette costs rising, more smokers are turning to cigars or "rolling their own" to cut costs, suggests a new U.S. government report that shows a substantial increase in the use of non-cigarette tobacco ...


Vaping under threat in tobacco-loving Indonesia

Chain-smoking Indonesia is moving to stub out its booming e-cigarette sector, sparking criticism that the government is siding with giant tobacco firms at the expense of public health.


135 states agree anti-tobacco trafficking deal: WHO

Negotiators from 135 nations sealed Wednesday a global deal to stem the illegal tobacco trade that could net governments $50 billion more annually in tax revenues, the World Health Organisation said.


Philippines raises tobacco, alcohol taxes

The Philippines Thursday raised tobacco and alcohol taxes in a reform President Benigno Aquino hailed as helping to liberate "more Filipinos from the vices of smoking and drinking".


Smoking still takes a heavy toll in US, CDC finds

(HealthDay)—Even though proven anti-smoking strategies exist, more than 440,000 Americans still die each year from cigarette smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke, federal health officials said Friday.

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