
Smart toilet may soon analyze stool for health problems

An artificial intelligence tool under development at Duke University can be added to the standard toilet to help analyze patients' stool and give gastroenterologists the information they need to provide appropriate treatment, ...


Do men really take longer to poo?

There's a common assumption men take longer than women to poo. People say so on Twitter, in memes, and elsewhere online. But is that right? What could explain it? And if some people are really taking longer, is that a problem?


Social distancing alarms outrage workers at French firm

A global maker of wipes and toilet paper has created a stink among its French employees after asking them to carry a device that goes off if they violate social distancing rules in the workplace.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What motivates changing behaviors during COVID-19

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to make some pretty interesting decisions like buying in bulk, wearing face masks and physically distancing from other people.


Discovering gaps in food safety practices of small Texas farms

A survey of small farmers in Texas identifies a significant gap in food safety protocols and resources, increasing the risk of produce contamination and foodborne illness. Very few small growers—most of whom are not required ...


We should talk more about toilets

The United Nations designated 19 November as World Toilet Day to raise awareness that 4.2 billion people live without access to safe sanitation, including in Indonesia.

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