
Before babies understand words, they understand tones of voice

Before babies start saying words, it is hard for parents to know whether their little one actually understands the things that they say to them. Many parenting magazines and books recommend speaking to children even before ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can't resist temptation? That may not be a bad thing

Researchers from the University of Rochester suggest that children raised in poverty may have been mistakenly labeled as "maladapted" for what appears to be a lack of self-control. The new study finds that what looks like ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Understanding brief resolved unexplained events in infants

Brief resolved unexplained events (BRUEs) are episodes marked by concerning changes in breathing, consciousness, muscle tone, and skin color (cyanosis or paleness). They tend to occur in previously healthy infants and send ...

Health informatics

AI uncovers bias in dermatology training tools

Skin diseases do not look the same across the skin-tone spectrum, and medical textbooks and presentations used to train dermatologists often lack example images of darker skin tones. During the recent pandemic, for instance, ...

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