Psychology & Psychiatry

Describing certain foods in a foreign language reduces aversion

Restaurateurs apparently know what they're doing when they offer "escargot" on a menu rather than "snails." New research shows that people are more willing to eat foods that they find disgusting if those foods are presented ...


Deaf children learn words faster than hearing children

For many years scientists tinkered to find a perfect replacement for the damaged or dysplastic inner ear. Cochlear implants receive a sound, convert it into electrical stimuli and send these impulses directly to the auditory ...


Technology takes speech therapy to new heights

Ultrasound technology is showing speech therapy patients how their tongues work, thanks to the University of Cincinnati (UC) Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic in the College of Allied Health Sciences (CAHS). More than 30 ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A new method for assessing families

In the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics a new formulation of a psychological questionnaire for assessing families is presented. The Family Assessment Device (FAD) is a widely used 60-item self-report questionnaire ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Spain, the eldorado of fertility treatment

"Making parents out of our patients," reads an ad in Madrid's metro for one of Spain's many fertility clinics that have opened their doors to husbands and wives, same-sex couples and single women thanks to lenient laws.

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