
India firm shakes up cancer drug market with price cuts

Indian pharmaceutical tycoon Yusuf Hamied revolutionised AIDS treatment more than a decade ago by supplying cut-price drugs to the world's poor -- and now he wants to do the same for cancer.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study of WTC responders: PTSD and respiratory illness linked

(Medical Xpress) -- More than 10 years after 9/11, when thousands of rescue and recovery workers descended on the area surrounding the World Trade Center in the wake of the terrorist attacks, a research team led by Benjamin ...


Research says fad diets don't work: Why are they so popular?

Two years into a pandemic that landed people in their living rooms, generating countless hours of television binging and stress eating, the nation has a new problem to worry about: Nearly half of U.S. adults, many already ...


Developing universal standards for health-care data

(Medical Xpress) -- The Center for Innovation in Healthcare Logistics at the University of Arkansas has released a decision-support tool to help hospitals understand and adopt universal standards for identifying materials, ...

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