
Women 40% less likely to die after TAVI than men

Women with severe aortic stenosis are 40% less likely to die after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) than men, reveals the latest data from the largest study to date of gender differences in outcomes after TAVI. ...


FDA: pelvic mesh for women riskier than thought

A product commonly used in surgery to treat incontinence and other women's health problems causes far more complications than previously thought and is likely exposing patients to unnecessary risks, according to U.S. health ...

Oncology & Cancer

Dogs play a key role in veterinary college's brain cancer trial

Lucy, with her boundless puppy-like energy even at 12 years old, is more than just a pet to Susan Ketcham. She's now part of a research project that could transform the way we treat brain cancer—in both dogs and humans.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Mayo Clinic Minute: Can uterine fibroids affect pregnancy?

A uterine fibroid is a benign or noncancerous growth of the muscle portion of the uterus. While common, they may cause pain and excessive bleeding, and concerns about fertility and pregnancy for some.


FDA sets new rules for injury-prone pelvic mesh

Mesh implants used to repair pelvic collapse in women will face new federal scrutiny, under rules responding to thousands of injuries reported with the problem-prone devices.


Hard search for less invasive brain surgery leads to eyelid

Doctor after doctor said removing the tumor causing Pamela Shavaun Scott's unrelenting headaches would require cutting open the top of her skull and pushing aside her brain. Then one offered a startling shortcut—operating ...


FDA wants stricter safety rules for pelvic mesh

Makers of trouble-prone implants used to surgically repair women's pelvic problems would be subject to stricter safety requirements under a federal proposal issued Tuesday.

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