Psychology & Psychiatry

Few people seem to find real joy in JOMO

Most people who ranked high in "joy of missing out" or JOMO also reported high levels of social anxiety in a recent Washington State University-led study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research links addictive behavior to personality, psychopathology

Substance use disorder (SUD) includes dependence syndromes and harmful use of illicit drugs and alcohol. SUD is often complicated by a repetitive pattern of abstinence-reinstatement and psychiatric comorbidities. The personality ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Motivation to achieve goals may depend on anxiety level

People often have different responses to stress. These distinct behavioral reactions could represent factors that indicate different individual susceptibility to develop certain pathologies such as depression. A research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxiety and neuroticism linked to ability to experience ASMR

A study has uncovered new evidence linking higher levels of neuroticism and anxiety with the ability to experience a deeply relaxing sensation known as the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR). Charlotte Eid and colleagues ...


Why some people are more prone to anxiety

Anxiety-prone people can blame serotonin cleanup proteins gone awry in their amygdala, according to research in marmosets recently published in JNeurosci. Targeting the amygdala with anti-anxiety medication could provide ...

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