Psychology & Psychiatry

Personality traits affect shelter at home compliance

A worldwide survey conducted during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic found that people with certain common personality traits were less likely to shelter at home when government policies were less restrictive, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Personality traits linked to COVID response in young adults

Young adults who are lax with abiding by COVID-19 protocols score low on the honesty-humility and conscientiousness categories of a scale measuring personality traits, says new Brock University research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

People's life goals relate to their personality type, study suggests

In the first research of its kind, a new University of California, Davis, study suggests that for the most part, people formulate goals consistent with their personality traits—and an individual's goals are related to how ...


Addicted to the sun? Research shows it's in your genes

Sun-seeking behavior is linked to genes involved in addiction, behavioral and personality traits, and brain function, according to a study of more than 260,000 people led by King's College London researchers.

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