Psychology & Psychiatry

We discount the pain of people we don't like

If a patient is not likeable, will he or she be taken less seriously when exhibiting or complaining about pain? Reporting in the October 2011 issue of Pain, researchers have found that observers of patients estimate lower ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Early career choices appear to influence personality, study finds

In the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, 16-year-old students in middle-track schools decide whether to stay in school to pursue an academic career or enroll in a vocational training program. A new study offers evidence ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Angry people might not be as smart as they think they are

People who are quick to lose their temper are more likely to overestimate their own intelligence, a new study from The University of Western Australia and the University of Warsaw in Poland has found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How much do obesity and addictions overlap?

A large analysis of personality studies has found that people with obesity behave somewhat like people with addictions to alcohol or drugs. But obesity is also a complex condition that cannot be fully explained by the addiction ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Counseling, antidepressants change personality (for the better)

A review of 207 studies involving more than 20,000 people found that those who engaged in therapeutic interventions were, on average, significantly less neurotic and a bit more extraverted after the interventions than they ...

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