Psychology & Psychiatry

Impostor syndrome: When self-doubt gets the upper hand

People who systematically underestimate themselves and their own performance suffer from so-called impostor phenomenon. They think that any success is due to external circumstances or just luck and chance. Those people live ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research reveals the secret to making a good first impression

How long do you have to make a good first impression? About half a second, new research has revealed. Scientists have discovered that humans make judgements on someone's trustworthiness within the first 500 milliseconds of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can you change your personality? Scientists say 'maybe'

It has long been believed that people can't change their personalities, which are largely stable and inherited. But a review of recent research in personality science points to the possibility that personality traits can ...


Study finds that genes play a role in empathy

A new study published today suggests that how empathic we are is not just a result of our upbringing and experience but also partly a result of our genes.


Personality traits found to be protective in Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease, the main cause of dementia in the elderly, is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the irreversible destruction of neuronal networks in certain brain structures affecting memory. While some risk factors ...

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