Psychology & Psychiatry

Owners of high-status cars are on a collision course with traffic

Why do BMW and Audi owners often seem to drive like idiots? Is it the car that makes them behave aggressively behind the wheel, or are specific types of people drawn to such cars as well being more likely to break traffic ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How personality predicts seeing others as sex objects

Several personality traits related to psychopathy—especially being openly antagonistic—predict a tendency to view others as merely sex objects, finds a study by psychologists at Emory University. The journal Personality ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New insights into our multi-millenia battle with malaria

Humans have long been thwarted by 'the fever'. References to malaria's infamous febricity are found across antiquity, from writings by the four thousand-year-old Vedic sages of ancient India to the Greek physician Hippocrates. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Personality traits affect retirement spending

How quickly you spend your savings in retirement may have as much or more to do with your personality than whether you have a lot of debt or want to leave an inheritance.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Research worth 'bragging' about

On a first date, people focus on making a good first impression. But when someone brags about themselves constantly, that person is often exhibiting some level of arrogance.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Competitive people are more prone to drug consumption

Hostile and competitive people are more likely to give in to drug consumption, according to a study published by a research group at the University of Cordoba (Spain). When a person faces a decision regarding these kinds ...

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