
Falls and brawls top list of causes for eye injuries in US

Falling and fighting top the list of major causes of eye injuries resulting in hospitalization over a 10-year period, according to research presented today at AAO 2015, the 119th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of ...


Avoid holiday decorating hazards

Holiday decorating is supposed to be a joyous time. But without the proper precautions, it can be dangerous—even deadly. So before you pull those light strings out of the basement and set your ladder up against the side ...


Protecting children from firearm violence

Firearm-related injuries in children and adolescents are an important cause of preventable injury and mortality. Recent national shooting tragedies involving children have resulted in new efforts to study the problem and ...


Traumatic injuries in elderly patients are often underestimated

Traumatic injuries can be more severe for older adults, yet they often do not get the right level of care, according to a study appearing in the October issue of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Instead of ...


Horrific war injuries spawn radical plastic surgery techniques

Reconstructing Faces: The Art and Wartime Surgery of Gillies, Pickerill, McIndoe and Mowlem tells the story of the four pioneering surgeons involved in ground-breaking work in facial reconstruction during the two world wars.


Want to be safe? Move to the City. No, really.

Large cities in the U.S. are significantly safer than their rural counterparts, with the risk of injury death more than 20 percent higher in the country. A study to be published online tomorrow in Annals of Emergency Medicine ...

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