Psychology & Psychiatry

Two studies of veterans link PTSD to accelerated aging

We've all heard of people "aging overnight" after a traumatic event. Scientists actually have a word for this phenomenon: "Marie Antoinette Syndrome," named for the French queen. When she was captured after fleeing Paris ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The suffering of African refugees with psychosis

With Europe's migrant crisis showing no sign of ending, ground-breaking new research in the journal Psychosisexplores the harrowing experiences of refugees diagnosed with psychosis.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Half of refugees traumatised: German psychotherapists

At least half of the refugees who have come to Germany have mental health problems because of trauma suffered in war or during their dangerous escapes, said the chamber of psychotherapists Wednesday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Blocking a newly identified memory pathway could prevent PTSD

About 8 million Americans suffer from nightmares and flashbacks to a traumatic event. This condition, known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is particularly common among soldiers who have been in combat, though it ...

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