Psychology & Psychiatry

Interviewers' gestures mislead child-witnesses

Children can easily be led to remember incorrect information through misleading gestures from adults, according to researchers from the University of Hertfordshire. These findings are being presented this week at the British ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How news about violence affects kids

Grim images of gun incidents spanning from Newtown, Conn., to Los Angeles have filled news reports of late, presenting a challenge for parents whose children are exposed to these events through the media—whether by television, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

UK military personnel at increased risk of violent offending

Most strikingly, the study found that the proportion of young servicemen (under 30 years old) with a conviction for violent offending was much higher than among men of a similar age in the general population (20.6% vs 6.7%).

Psychology & Psychiatry

Navy creates iPad app for managing stress and fending off PTSD

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is co-funding an affordable, hi-tech, solution for managing stress that could help prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), helping warfighters and potentially saving billions of dollars ...

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