Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental health is intergenerational

The mental health impacts of trauma and emotional distress may extend from parents to their children. Yet a positive history of well-being could also cross generations.


This is how flooding can impact health

Flooding is devastating in every aspect: from property and infrastructure damage to loss of life and wider health impacts. As flooding becomes increasingly common for more people in a warming world, we look at its repercussions ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Five years after water crisis, 1 in 5 Flint residents has PTSD

Data from the largest mental health survey of the Flint, Michigan community indicate that one in five adults, or roughly 13,600 people, were estimated to have clinical depression, and one in four, or 15,000 people, were estimated ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists are on trail of treatment for traumatic memories

The dream of a drug that can help ameliorate the stress associated with durable traumatic memories, in order to treat disorders such as PTSD, has come a step closer to reality, according to a preclinical study led by researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Managing mental health amid gun violence

The past few years have been difficult for the city of Philadelphia and its citizens. Not only did Philadelphians have to prioritize safety from COVID-19, they were also surrounded by increased gun violence. In 2021, Philadelphia ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Coping with school shootings

After countless school shootings, parents and children are terrified and confused. Parents and guardians struggle with explaining the terror to their children, while they also fear sending them back to school. Baylor College ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Talking to your kids about the shooting tragedy in Texas

After a gunman killed at least 19 students and two teachers Tuesday at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, this week, horrified parents may be wondering how to talk with their children about it.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Service dogs change lives of veterans with PTSD for the better

Veterans can develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after stressful or traumatic events. Utrecht University researcher Emmy van Houtert studied the influence of service dogs on the symptoms of PTSD. She also looked ...

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