
Traumatic to be on a ventilator treatment while conscious

More and more people being cared for on ventilators are conscious during the treatment, but what is it like to be fully conscious without being able to communicate with the world around you? A thesis from the Sahlgrenska ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why we need a better understanding of how PTSD affects families

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term "post-traumatic stress disorder"? When I ask this question in public presentations, the answers are along the lines of "the military", "soldiers" and "war". ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Blocking a newly identified memory pathway could prevent PTSD

About 8 million Americans suffer from nightmares and flashbacks to a traumatic event. This condition, known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is particularly common among soldiers who have been in combat, though it ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologists closing in on causes of claustrophobic fear

We all move around in a protective bubble of "near space," more commonly known as "personal space." But not everyone's bubble is the same size. People who project their personal space too far beyond their bodies, or the norm ...

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