Psychology & Psychiatry

Protein identified that indicates whether memories can be changed

Researchers have discovered that a particular protein can be used as a brain marker to indicate whether emotional memories can be changed or forgotten. This is a study in animals, but the researchers hope that the findings ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain cells compete to sustain or suppress traumatic memories

Two clusters of brain cells compete to promote either the persistence or disappearance of traumatic memories, according to a new study conducted in mice. The findings could provide important insights into human conditions ...


Memory details fade over time, with only the main gist preserved

What information is retained in a memory over time, and which parts get lost? These questions have led to many scientific theories over the years, and now a team of researchers at the Universities of Glasgow and Birmingham ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reflecting on your own capabilities boosts resilience

The unpredictable nature of life during the coronavirus pandemic is particularly challenging for many people. Not everyone can cope equally well with the uncertainty and loss of control. Research has shown that while a large ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists unpack how the brain separates present from past dangers

A team of neuroscientists has identified processes the brain undergoes to distinguish real and present dangers from those linked to past experiences in mice. The findings, which appear in the journal Nature, have implications ...

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