Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Depression is under-treated in patients receiving chronic dialysis

Many patients with kidney failure who are receiving chronic hemodialysis have depressive symptoms but do not wish to receive aggressive treatment to alleviate them, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the ...


Tx failure up for high-flow therapy versus CPAP in preemies

(HealthDay)—For preterm infants with early respiratory distress, high-flow therapy used as primary support is associated with a higher rate of treatment failure than continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), according ...


A study takes a closer look at so-called 'adherent' patients

A study at Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH) in Elche shows that patients defined automatically as "adherent" by dint of collecting their prescriptions each month are not necessarily any better than their "non-adherent" ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Efficacy of azithromycin in chlamydia remains high

(HealthDay)—Azithromycin is not noninferior to doxycycline for treatment of urogenital chlamydia infection among adolescents; however, the efficacy of both types of treatment is high, according to a study published in the ...

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