
Crashes cause majority of deaths for truck drivers

(HealthDay)—Crashes cause 65 percent of on-the-job deaths of truck drivers in the United States, making it the top cause of work-related deaths in that occupation, a federal government report shows.


Truckies hit the road to better health

The long hours and sedentary work life of truckies has the potential to be lethal when it comes to their health, but a new program is helping drivers adopt healthier habits.


Study supports new safety rule for truck drivers

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) today released the findings of a field study conducted by the Washington State University (WSU) Sleep and Performance Research Center. ...

Overweight & Obesity

Truck drivers top list of overweight workers

(HealthDay)—Truck drivers, cleaning-service employees and mechanics are among the most obese groups of workers, new research contends.


Use of booze and drugs common among truck drivers on the road

The use of booze and drugs among truck drivers on the road is common, but seems to be mainly linked to poor working conditions, finds a systematic analysis of the available evidence published online in Occupational and Environmental ...

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