Oncology & Cancer

New target identified to stop the spread of breast cancer

A new potential target to slow breast cancer tumor progression and metastasis has been identified by a team of researchers led by Dr. Richard Kremer from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC). ...

Oncology & Cancer

The cellular root of colorectal cancers?

Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston have found a marker called ABCB5 that both tags a small proportion of cells within colorectal cancers and fuels resistance in those cells to standard treatments. The results indicate ...

Oncology & Cancer

New glioblastoma cancer vaccine shows promise in phase 2 trial

The first results of a multicenter Phase 2 clinical trial on a new brain cancer vaccine tailored to a patient's own tumor will be announced on Monday at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2011 Annual Meeting ...

Oncology & Cancer

DNA repair system affects colon cancer recurrence and survival

Colorectal cancer patients with defects in mismatch repair--one of the body's systems for repairing DNA damage--have lower recurrence rates and better survival rates than patients without such defects, according to a study ...

Oncology & Cancer

New biomarker that predicts breast cancer relapse found

Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center have discovered a new biomarker related to the body's immune system that can predict a breast cancer patients' risk of cancer recurrence. This breakthrough ...

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