Oncology & Cancer

Therapy targets leukemia stem cells

New research takes aim at stubborn cancer stem cells that are thought to be responsible for treatment resistance and relapse. The study, published by Cell Press in the February 14 issue of the journal Cancer Cell, provides ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers find a new therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer

The development of pancreatic cancer is driven by co-existing mutations in an oncogene involved in controlling cell growth, called KRAS, and in a tumor suppressor gene, called p53. But how these mutations cooperate to promote ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cold viruses point the way to new cancer therapies

Cold viruses generally get a bad rap—which they've certainly earned—but new findings by a team of scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies suggest that these viruses might also be a valuable ally in the ...

Oncology & Cancer

Team finds a potentially better way to treat liver cancer

A Keck School of Medicine of USC research team has identified how cancer stem cells survive. This finding may one day lead to new therapies for liver cancer, one of the few cancers in the United States with an incidence rate ...

Medical research

How do whales fight off cancer?

Oxford University epidemiologist Richard Peto was puzzled by a paradox: If cancer is a function of individual cells going haywire, wouldn't an organism with a lot more cells, say a whale, have a greater chance of getting ...


HPV linked to cardiovascular disease in women

Women with cancer-causing strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) may be at increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke even when no conventional risk factors for CVD are present.

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