Medical research

Protein linked to aggressive skin cancer

Almost 300,000 people worldwide develop malignant melanoma each year. The disease is the most serious form of skin cancer and the number of cases reported annually is increasing, making skin cancer one of Sweden's most common ...

Oncology & Cancer

Redundancies in T cells

Researchers at ETH Zurich have discovered redundancies in the biochemical signalling pathways of immune cells. This finding has important implications for advances in cancer immunotherapy, among other areas.

Oncology & Cancer

The unanticipated early origins of childhood brain cancer

Brain tumours are the leading cause of non-accidental death in children in Canada, but little is known about when these tumours form or how they develop. Researchers have recently identified the cells that are thought to ...

Oncology & Cancer

Major step towards individual cancer immunotherapy

Medicine has great hopes for personalised cancer immunotherapy. The idea is to have a vaccine prompt the immune system to fight a tumour. Scientists at ETH Zurich have developed a method that allows them to determine which ...

Medical research

Protein BRCA1 as a stress coach

Anyone who has ever studied the molecular basis of breast cancer will probably have heard of BRCA1, a protein that protects the cells of breast tissue against cancer. Surprisingly, this protein can also have the opposite ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genetic causes of tumors in salivary glands

Acinic cell carcinoma is the third most common malignant form of salivary gland cancer. These tumours are similar to normal salivary gland tissue and occur most frequently in the parotid gland. Until now, the molecular causes ...

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