
Genes play a role in common knee injury

It has long been known that the choice of shoe, surface and type of sport can all be contributing factors when someone suffers an anterior cruciate ligament rupture. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now observed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Alcohol use changed right after COVID-19 lockdown

One in four adults reported a change in alcohol use almost immediately after stay-at-home orders were issued, according to a study of twins led by Washington State University researchers.


Addicted to the sun? Research shows it's in your genes

Sun-seeking behavior is linked to genes involved in addiction, behavioral and personality traits, and brain function, according to a study of more than 260,000 people led by King's College London researchers.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Scleroderma Q&A: Your questions about the autoimmune disease answered

Like many autoimmune diseases, systemic sclerosis, or scleroderma, can be a challenge to diagnose because its symptoms are varied, can range from mild to debilitating, and often resemble those of other conditions, such as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Loss of a co-twin linked to heightened psychiatric risk

The death of a twin, especially earlier in life, can increase the risk of their surviving twin being diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, finds a new study published today in eLife.

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