Obstetrics & gynaecology

Dutch halt Viagra in pregnancy trial after 11 babies die

Dutch doctors and scientists have halted a ground-breaking study into using Viagra to help pregnant women whose babies were not growing properly in the womb after 11 infants died.


Should I get the flu shot if I'm pregnant?

Australia experienced a severe flu season last year with over a quarter of a million confirmed cases. Pregnant women are a high‐risk group where the disease can cause more serious illness when compared to the general population.


A mother's touch may help to bond with unborn babies

Babies may be able to recognise their mother's touch while still in the womb, helping them to bond even before birth, according to new research carried out at the University of Dundee.

Medical research

Endogenous 'cannabis' influences development of the fetal pancreas

According to the latest research results from the Medical University of Vienna, endocannabinoids, cannabis-like substances produced by the body itself, can affect the development of a baby's pancreas. The study also highlights ...


Dangerous swelling in babies linked to mutated gene

Scientists have discovered a new gene mutation that causes potentially fatal swelling in unborn and newborn babies. Identifying the gene is the first step toward a future diagnostic test and targeted treatment for this condition.

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