Psychology & Psychiatry

Change the bias, change the behavior? Maybe not

The concept of implicit bias has made its way into the general consciousness, most often in the context of racial bias. More broadly, however, implicit biases can affect how people think of anything—from their thoughts ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to check your unconscious biases

Diversity expert Howard Ross recounted a time when he dismissed a fellow air traveller—bearded, heavy-set, flannel-shirted and with a car magazine in hand—as a seatmate with whom he should studiously avoid getting locked ...


Lab results don't explain 'obesity paradox,' but bias may

Results of standard laboratory tests performed on adult outpatients to provide an overall picture of their health are fairly consistent between those with obesity and their leaner counterparts, investigators report.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain scans on movie watchers reveal how we judge people

Unconscious bias has become a hot topic recently, with high profile incidents reported around the world. Researchers at Aalto University are exploring the causes of these biases in our neural wiring, and are developing techniques ...


Eliminating microaggressions in pediatric education

A patient is told their name is hard to pronounce. A doctor tells another doctor they speak English really well. While doing rounds, a resident is asked if she eats 'strange foods'.